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Which linux distro/desktop are you using

#54 (ツ) jaimef
Last edited: 26.12.2024 by jaimef, read: 22 times

Hey! Merry (belated) Christmas everyone.

I'm curious, those of you on linux for the desktop, how long have you been doing it? Which distro are you using? why? which desktop environment? why? Is there anything you're curious to try?

I'll go first,

full time linux desktop: 
about 2 years

debian 12, because I wanted something normal, not redhat, and that wouldn't change a lot
de: gnome. I was a long time macos user and it just resonates with me better. I like that you get a basic set of features and that you add exactly what you want with extensions. I find kde overwhelming and heaven forbid I get into tiling managers.

interested in: 
- freebsd, but I dont have time to investigate really
- I like what I see in the almalinux project. I might jump over to 10 instead of trixie


#56 (ツ) 1john218
Created 27.12.24 03:54, read: 12 times

Likely going to switch from Ubuntu to plain Debian as it requires less upkeep. Ideally alpine linux for business applications.

#58 (ツ) dennisuello
Created 27.12.24 17:23, read: 8 times

Ubuntu since 2008. Tried Mint for a while, but Ubuntu seems more polished.

Which linux distro/desktop are you using

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