☧ Remnant

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Getting Started Thread

#1 (ツ) 1john218
Last edited: 08.12.2024 by 1john218, read: 389 times

Welcome to Remnant Chat, a Shiloh Code Community

What is this?

Remnant Chat is Shiloh Code's answer to the need for a fully-owned, secure platform away from mainstream influence and deplatforming. It is built using a very fast and lightweight open-source web forum engine with full encryption and no IP logging to provide the Shiloh community a secure communications tool that can easily be duplicated, mirrored for persistence and longevity for years to come.

How to Join:

Step 1: Register an account

Feel free to view posts anonymously, if you want to contribute register an account here: https://remnant.chat/!register/

Step 2: Chat Room

Logged in users can use the live chat room: https://remnant.chat/!chat/

Step 3: Make public or private threads

Toggle the buttons on the top of your screen to use public or private "Limited access threads." Also, during thread creation you can toggle "Limited access threads." This enables you to make threads that can only be seen by those you invite. Check out the thread categories before posting.

Other resources

Here are some other resources for you powered by the Shiloh community: https://githaven.org/ https://lasthourhosting.org/

Introduce yourself by responding to this thread

Let us all know you're here! Reach out if you have any questions.

#14 (ツ) Ryan
Created 09.12.2024, read: 278 times

Hello, this is a nickname from when I was 15. I'm Internet Gecko on Session.

#15 (ツ) 1john218
Created 09.12.2024, read: 274 times

Hello, this is a nickname from when I was 15. I'm Internet Gecko on Session.


#16 (ツ) Andy
Created 10.12.2024, read: 260 times

👋 say'n hi

#17 (ツ) 1john218
Created 10.12.2024, read: 259 times

👋 say'n hi


#18 (ツ) dennisuello
Last edited: 10.12.2024 by dennisuello, read: 244 times

My friend has called me dennisuello since 1996, he thought it was "mexican" sounding and he was fascinated with Mexico. So it stuck. It has been my username on forums since early 2000s.

#19 (ツ) 1john218
Created 11.12.2024, read: 234 times

My friend has called me dennisuello since 1996, he thought it was "mexican" sounding and he was fascinated with Mexico. So it stuck. It has been my username on forums since early 2000s.


#25 (ツ) matt2237
Created 13.12.2024, read: 217 times

I'm here... I think...

#65 (ツ) cnsituma@gmail.com
Created 23.01.2025, read: 90 times

i'm so happy to be here, i could never have imagined something like this exists :-D

Getting Started Thread

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