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Anthrobots: a synthetic biological proto-organism made of living cells

#62 (ツ) 1john218
Last edited: 03.01.2025 by 1john218, read: 164 times

This is pretty wild for the transhumanists and totally won't be weaponized...

I see the Anthrobots (and synthetic morphology in general) as an exploration device, with which to begin to understand plasticity of the software of life, to probe the competency of the agential material from which are constructed, and to start to map out the region of morphospace and behavioral space around the default outcomes facilitated by the genomic hardware under standard conditions. I think they are also a new platform for the fields of regenerative medicine, evolutionary developmental biology, and diverse intelligence (basal cognition). Importantly, we have made claims yet about their degree of intelligence – we simply don’t know yet whether they can learn, and if so, in what capacity, but we will find out. Perturbative experiments are necessary to get a true idea of their capabilities in various problem spaces.


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Anthrobots: a synthetic biological proto-organism made of living cells

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